"If you see something......say something."
Our nonprofit organization is dedicated to improving the lives and communication links for families grieving the violent loss of a child or family member. We strive to create positive change in our community through various initiatives and programs. Join us in making a difference today.
In the past several months UCanSpeakForMe has been advocating for the re-establishment of an Unsolved Homicides Unit. It is estimated that there are close to 400 unsolved homicides in Cincinnati dating back to the 1940’s.
WLWT's Rachel Hirschheimer explores the Cincinnati Police Department's newest initiative to approach unsolved cases.
There are scores of local families that have wondered if there has been progress into the investigation of their murdered child or family member. Some have received no updates for months. Some cases have gone silent for years.
On October 29, 2024 in a partnership between Cincinnati Police, along with other law enforcement agencies, are making plans to leverage current technology not available during the initial homicide investigations to discover new tips to crack cold cases.
This story was presented by WCPO's Connor Steffen.
Mr. Ware is a veteran radio host leading the discussion program named Cincinnati Issues on WSTR Star64. This program's conversation is about the announcement of a renewed Unsolved Cold Case Unit in Hamilton County.
I don't ask for much. Take a moment to look at my son's picture. Look deep into his eyes. Confident. Secure in who he was. Full of life.
This is an anniversary that haunts me every year. This is an anniversary I find no joy in celebrating much less remembering.
On September 29, 2007, my son Daniel “Chaz” Dudley, was murdered in a drive by shooting while riding in a car with friends. Since that day, with God’s help, and the prayers of family I have managed to cope.
Despite all of the support through the years, this date remains as a reminder that evil is still hard at work in our community. Even though I cannot escape the wound of the personal loss of my son, the daily struggle to address the open wounds of families facing similar tragedies becomes an additional personal exercise in mental toughness.
For my son, one person stepping forward to help us understand not only who, but why this happened could give some direction for closure. The whole experience was like finding myself in a maze…..blindfolded. Every time I visit his gravesite my heart screams in agony for my child. To this day, privately, the pain of his loss remains fresh.
My son was a good man. Caring and sensitive. A good father. My son was loved by his family and friends. He had the makings of someone who could have made some positive changes in the world on so many different levels. I hear this same sentiment from families UCanSpeakForMe assists. This cycle of heartbreaking pain continues to play out daily in our community.
I recently read online a mother’s letter to her son on the anniversary of his death. In part she recalled, “Some days this is hard…grieving your death is hard work. Some days I don’t want to get out of bed. Some days it’s all I can do to ‘act’ normal, whatever that is. I’m still struggling to find the 'new' normal, to not constantly feel that huge hole in my heart. And then there are some days I feel a little better, and understand that I do have the strength within to carry on, live my life well, and move forward in making changes to the outdated policies and strategies”.
A mother’s (and father’s) ability to cope with the death of a child penetrates deep into the soul of that parent. Not just for the date of the incident, but for years into the future. What families need is for the community to have the courage to step forward with information about those who are guilty of these deaths. “See something….Say something”. We need you to say this type of behavior is not okay. Don't carry someone else's guilt into the life you are trying build.
Somewhere, the person who murdered my child may be feeling that they are in the clear. Somewhere, there are those who have information to bring that person to justice is content to say nothing. When all is said and done God will be the ultimate judge of our deeds while on this planet.
I know this is longer than I had intended. These are thoughts that have been hard to put into words. Not because it makes me feel any better. But on the anniversary of the gutwrenching loss of my child this needed to said. Yes, I want closure for my child’s death. This needed to be said on behalf of all the families mourning the loss of a child to senseless violence.
The anniversary of the day of their deaths is a heartbreaking day each year. We also remember their absence in our lives during all the regular holidays. My son was a beautiful light in my life. I am so grateful that he is my child. It was my honor and pleasure of raising you and having you be a part of my life. I just really miss you. I wish you love and light always.
Hope Dudley
Mother of Chaz Dudley
Your donation can make a difference in the lives of families grieving the loss of a child or family member. Help us support families searching for justice, and creating a better future for our communities. Contact us at: ucanspeakforme@zoomtown.com
I'm feeling grateful and needed to share.
I received a call from United States Attorney of the Southern District of Ohio Kenneth L. Parker, asking me to set up a display in Columbus, Ohio because someone visiting from Washington, D.C. wanted a personal meeting to talk about the work UCanSpeakForMe has been doing in Southern Ohio. I had a tough schedule planned that week which included two doctors appointments. Preparing to travel to Columbus the next day was going to be tight timing. I felt it would be a great opportunity considering I had been personally been invited by Mr. Parker.
Thankfully with help from a friend who works for the Talbert House here in Cincinnati we put a display together. The Columbus event was being held outdoors and Tuesday seemed to be the hottests day of this week. After setting up my booth under a tent, these black suburbans start driving through the parking lot, and my friend said that looks like the Secret Service.
After parking one of the men started walking toward my table, asking me my name. Soon after this lady got out of the car heading for my display. As she admired our printed materials she began telling me how proud she was of the compassion our agency was pouring into helping families affected by senseless crime.
This very distinguished lady turned out to be the Deputy Attorney General of the United States Lisa Monaco.
What a wonderful surprise and honor meet and talk with one of our country’s most prominent law enforcement officials. A huge thank you goes out to Mr. Parker for trusting our program. I'm so grateful to God for his blessings. After talking we took some pictures at my display.
We all have struggles and battles to overcome in our lives. The road becomes smoother when there are others that appreciate your efforts to assist families to navigate life’s rough patches.
We're always looking for new partners to collaborate with on projects and events. If your organization shares our values and mission, let's work together to make a positive impact.
Help us raise awareness of our mission and programs by sharing our website, social media pages, and events with your friends, family, and colleagues.
Your donation will help us to continue our mission of supporting our community. Every dollar counts and will make a difference in the lives of those we serve.
Join our team of volunteers and make a difference in your community. Whether you can give a few hours a week or a few hours a month, your time and skills are appreciated.
On Apr 24, 2024 Atty. Gen. Merrick Garland & ATF Dir. Steven Dettelbach dedicated “The Faces of Gun Violence” exhibit at ATF’s Inaugural Gun Violence Survivors’ Summit.
Among the millions of gun violence victims in the United States, Daniel “Chaz” Dudley was honored by having his photo presented amongst the hundreds in this new exhibit. The exhibit honors and memorializes those whose lives have been tragically lost to gun violence.
The Butler County Sheriff’s Department as a community partner has received a shipment of UCanSpeakForMe’s Cold Case Playing Cards. Major G. Michael Craft accepted the cards from Ms. Hope Dudley.
The playing cards are used to gather tips on unsolved cases by many law enforcement agencies in Southwestern Ohio, the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections, and Northern Kentucky.
On October 18, 2023 at the Federal Court House in downtown Cincinnati a number of law enforcement and community persons were honored for their bravery and community advocacy. The presentations were made by Kenneth L. Parker United States Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio.
Ms. Hope Dudley, Founder and CEO of UCanSpeakForMe, were among those recognized for her continued dedication to helping families that have children and relatives that became victims of homicides in Southern Ohio.
On March 28, 2023 UCanSpeakForMe’s local forum in association with the National Crime Victims Rights Week was an overwhelming success.
There were uplifting testimonials from longtime UCanSpeakForMe volunteers about their closed homicide cases. One being a riveting remembrance of her daughter, Cassandra Betts, by Ms. Barbaranne Hill-Irving now residing in Florida. Ms. Irving traveled back to her home State of Ohio to serve as one of the honorary hosts for this event
Unfortunately, another name and face has been added to the UCanSpeakForMe Cold Case Posters for Hamilton County.
Treshawn Smith was killed on October 22, 2022 on Elm and W. Wyoming Avenues. The Smith family, in coordination with UCanSpeakForMe, sponsored a “Peace March” in remembrance of this tragic loss of a valued family member, and another life lost to senseless violence. Thank you to everyone that attended.
The human species has spent more than a 100 generations plagued by violence.
We steal from one another. We concoct new ways to enslave and restrict the human rights of our neighbors. In our different communities there is poverty, drug addiction, mental health issues, and domestic violence. For far too long minor disputes have escalated into angry confrontations where death is the only solution.
Firearm sales have soared, resulting in the proliferation of tens of millions of new guns. A number of these same guns made their way into the possession of children. The diminished respect for life is being viewed like a video game that can be turned off then rebooted with no consequences. In Cincinnati, Ohio a total of 92 murders were reported in the city in 2020. Well above the national homicide rate of 6.5 murders per 100,000 according to the FBI’s 2020 Uniform Crime Report.
Not even the COVID-19 pandemic has been a deterrent to the violence. We all look forward to the promises of a new year with a fresh beginning. So far there have been two new homicides in Cincinnati. Two new pictures have been added to our Unsolved Murders Posters.
All is not lost.
Thanks to Cincinnati Detectives an arrest has been made in one of those homicides. Maybe it’s too much to ask why not try peace. What if we choose to show love and respect towards one another in 2023. If this is too high a hurdle to get over……try talking out any disagreements. At best, just try walking away from possible violent confrontations.
Hope Dudley
UCanSpeakForMe Founder/CEO
Not even the COVID-19 pandemic has been a deterrent to violence. New pictures are added to our Unsolved Murders Posters much too often.
Families are empowered by one another's strength to publicly remember their lost of a family member. Justice will be found by keeping their memories alive.
UCanSpeakForMe's latest Cold Case Poster asks the question: "Can you help find who killed me?". This newest poster highlights the lost lives of women in Hamilton and Butler counties.
UCanSpeakForMe CEO has been in high demand to address families in Ohio counties about the need to remain proactive with local law enforcement authorities using organizational products.
UCanSpeakForMe is reaching more families by expanding into additional Ohio counties. Sergeant Rob Whitlock accepts a shipment of UCan Cold Case Posters from Ms. Dudley.
CEO Hope Dudley works overtime to deliver a fresh patch of UCanSpeakForMe Cold Case Playing Cards to the Hamilton County Justice Center. This unique design is intended to provide authorities with tips to unsolved cases.
"Tis the season to be......." For most families the upcoming holiday celebrations will take on a minus one effect. UCan will again sponsor holiday gatherings for families. Continue to check this site for updates.
Are you passionate about what we're doing? Let us know! We are always looking for volunteers to help us make our vision a reality. We'll help you find a way to volunteer that best suits you. We're excited to have you join the team!
Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you. Click the "What's New" button for new and upcoming events.
230 Northland Boulevard, Suite #231, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246, United States
Open today | 10:00 am – 05:00 pm |
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed